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Managing ESXi SSL certificate properties from vCenter server

One of the way to manage esxi certificate properties is using vCenter server, This is good option where you don't have generate a certificate for every indivisual Esxi. You just need to configure valid SSL certificate once on the vCenter VMCA. Improving Esxi security by using vCenter server can ensure that all the esxi servers are compliant on SSL certificate configuration. To configure the settings, login to vsphere client, go to vCenter server >> Configure >> Advanced Settings >> EDIT SETTINGS

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Managing ESXi SSL certificate properties from vCenter server

vmware vsphere vcenter client advanced vcenter server settings advanced settings edit settings Authentication Proxy vCenter HA Config.drs.kvstore.local config.log.level certmgmt.png

This opens Edit Advanced vCenter Server Settings box, On the name header click on filter icon and search for certmgmt. Replace the settings as per your organization. There are multiple settings, scroll them also go to another page. Below table is to understand certificate related settings with their description. 

NameSummary Country Name to be included as part of the ESXi host's certificate e-mail address to be included as part of the ESXi host's certificate Locality Name, e.g. city name, to be included as part of the ESXi host's certificate Organizational Unit Name to be included as part of the ESXi host's certificate Organization Name to be included as part of the ESXi host's certificate State Name or Province Name to be included as part of the ESXi host's certificate
vpxd.certmgmt.certs.daysValidThe ESXi host's certificate validity period in days.
vpxd.certmgmt.certs.hardThresholdThe ESXi host's certificate management hard threshold, in days. When this threshold is reached, the vCenter Server system displays red alarms about the impending certificate expiration.
vpxd.certmgmt.certs.pollIntervalDaysThe interval (in days) between ESXi host certificate validity checks by the vCenter Server system
vpxd.certmgmt.certs.softThresholdThe ESXi host's certificate management soft threshold, in days. When this threshold is reached, the vCenter Server system displays information about the impending certificate expiration.
vpxd.certmgmt.modeThe ESXi host's certificate management mode. Possible values are vmca, custom, thumbprint.

vmware vsphere web client vcenter edit advanced vcenter server settings esxi country email localityname orgnizationalunitname, daysvalid certificate.png

Once vCenter server's certificate related advanced settings are configured, go to each esxi server's >> Configure tab >> Certificate option. Here check the certificate subject, information related email address, orgnizationunitname, location and related information is the default one respective to VMware. First Renew certificate for the esxi host and then Refresh CA certificates. Press yes to confirm.

vmware vsphere vcenter webclient certificate renew, refresh ca certificates subject replace esxi certificate properties from vcenter advanced settings certmgmt.png

Once certificate is renewed and refreshed, verify the certificate subject now. it will be pertaining to I filled up certificate data in advanced settings of vCenter server.

vmware vsphere ui client vcenter esxi configure certificate renew refresh ca certificate subject certmgmt advanced settings engineering vmware issuer vcenter.png

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