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Patching the vCenter Server Appliance VCSA

VMware regularly releases security patches/fixes for its products, here I am patching vCenter server appliance (vcsa portal). Upgrade patches are downloaded from url (VMware Patch download center). 

vmware vsphere esxi vcenter vc patch vcsa vcenter server appliance patch fp bug fixes donwload vcenter vami update cd rom iso url my products security patch.png

I have downloaded vCenter server patch ISO file, below is the description of different patch meaning for VCSA.

Download Filename Description
VMware-vCenter-Server-Appliance-product_version-build_number-patch-TP.isoThird-party patch for the vCenter Server Appliance and Platform Services Controller appliance, which contains only the fixes related to security and third-party products (for example, JRE, tcServer, and Photon OS components).
VMware-vCenter-Server-Appliance-product_version-build_number-patch-FP.isoFull product patch for the vCenter Server Appliance and Platform Services Controller appliance, which contains the VMware software patches and the fixes related to security and third-party products (for example, JRE, tcServer, and Photon OS components).

On virtual machine (vCente server appliance vcsa) Mount downloaded ISO in the VM settings, device status should be Connected and Use ISO image file.

vmware vsphere vcenter esxi virtual machine advanced settings CD DVD IDE Connected use physical drive use ISO image.png

Open VMware vCenter Server Management (VCSA) vami portal using port 5480. https://vcenter:5480.

vmware vcenter server management login 5480 vami upgrade backup vcsa esxi.png

This vCenter Server appliance with an embedded platform services controller, Go to Update >> Check updates button >> click Check CD ROM from the list. It will list the new fix/upgrade, Choose the new update, here in my case new update is Go with State and Install to start upgrade vcsa. Note down the version of vCenter.

vmware vcenter vserver management vami portal 5480 update version patch stage only and install check updates CD ROM + URL settings vcenter vcsa appliance photon.png

Click Accept EULA (End user license agreement), click Next, on the Backup vCenter server it is recommended to back up vCenter before proceeding. (I have already backed up configuration/databse) Select checkbox I have backed up vCenter and its associated database. (If you haven't go to the backup utility). Finish the upgrade.

vmware vcenter vsphere esxi stage and instal update fix vcsa vcenter server appliance backup vCenter Server database upgrade update fix security patch.png

In the screen you will see installation in process, once installation succeeded complete, close the pop up box. And re-login to VCSA vami portal.

vmware vcenter vsphere esxi stage and instal update fix vcsa vcenter server appliance backup vCenter Server database upgrade update fix security patch Donwload RPM installation in progress succeeded complete.png

On the update option you will see the new version.

vmware vcenter server management vcsa vsphere esxi available updates check updates cd rom current version details backup vami 5480 portal.png

Below is the another procedure to patch vCenter using commandline through shell ssh.

  1. Attach the iso file to the vCenter Server Appliance CD or DVD drive.
  2. Log in to the appliance shell as a user with super administrative privileges (for example, root) and run the following commands:
    • To stage the ISO:
      software-packages stage --iso
    • To see the staged content:
      software-packages list --staged
    • To install the staged rpms:
      software-packages install --staged

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