#requires -version 4 <# .SYNOPSIS Get complete license information from vCenter Server .DESCRIPTION The Get-vSphereLicensesInfo.ps1 gets license information from vCenter Server. License information ie: vCenter, Esxi, vSAN etc. .PARAMETER File Prompts you for csv file location. .INPUTS VMware.Vim.LicenseManager VMware.Vim.LicenseManagerLicenseInfo .OUTPUTS VMware.Vim.LicenseManagerLicenseInfo .NOTES Version: 1.0 Author: Kunal Udapi Creation Date: 09 May 2020 Purpose/Change: Gather vCenter Esxi licenses information Useful URLs: http://vcloud-lab.com Tested on below versions: vCenter/Esxi: 7.0 PowerCLI: 12.0 PowerShell: 5.1 .EXAMPLE Name : Product Evaluation LicenseKey : 00000-00000-00000-00000-00000 ExpirationDate : Evaluation ProductName : VMware vSphere 7 Enterprise Plus with Add-on for Kubernetes ProductVersion : Evaluation EditionKey : eval Total : Unlimited Used : 2 CostUnit : esx.enterprisePlus.cpuPackage Labels : vCenter : vcsa.vcloud-lab.com This script shows information as above information. #> <# Remove-Module Hyper-V Import-Module VMware.PowerCLI Connect-VIserver -Server -User administrator@vsphere.local -Password passward Connect-VIserver -Server marvel.vcloud-lab.com -User administrator@vsphere.local -Password passward #> foreach ($licenseManager in (Get-View LicenseManager)) #-Server $vCenter.Name { $vCenterName = ([System.uri]$licenseManager.Client.ServiceUrl).Host #($licenseManager.Client.ServiceUrl -split '/')[2] foreach ($license in $licenseManager.Licenses) { $licenseProp = $license.Properties $licenseExpiryInfo = $licenseProp | Where-Object {$_.Key -eq 'expirationDate'} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value if ($license.Name -eq 'Product Evaluation') { $expirationDate = 'Evaluation' } #if ($license.Name -eq 'Product Evaluation') elseif ($null -eq $licenseExpiryInfo) { $expirationDate = 'Never' } #elseif ($null -eq $licenseExpiryInfo) else { $expirationDate = $licenseExpiryInfo } #else #if ($license.Name -eq 'Product Evaluation') if ($license.Total -eq 0) { $totalLicenses = 'Unlimited' } #if ($license.Total -eq 0) else { $totalLicenses = $license.Total } #else #if ($license.Total -eq 0) $licenseObj = New-Object psobject $licenseObj | Add-Member -Name Name -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $license.Name $licenseObj | Add-Member -Name LicenseKey -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $license.LicenseKey $licenseObj | Add-Member -Name ExpirationDate -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $expirationDate $licenseObj | Add-Member -Name ProductName -MemberType NoteProperty -Value ($licenseProp | Where-Object {$_.Key -eq 'ProductName'} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value) $licenseObj | Add-Member -Name ProductVersion -MemberType NoteProperty -Value ($licenseProp | Where-Object {$_.Key -eq 'ProductVersion'} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value) $licenseObj | Add-Member -Name EditionKey -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $license.EditionKey $licenseObj | Add-Member -Name Total -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $totalLicenses $licenseObj | Add-Member -Name Used -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $license.Used $licenseObj | Add-Member -Name CostUnit -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $license.CostUnit $licenseObj | Add-Member -Name Labels -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $license.Labels $licenseObj | Add-Member -Name vCenter -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $vCenterName $licenseObj } #foreach ($license in $licenseManager.Licenses) } #foreach ($licenseManager in (Get-View LicenseManager)) #-Server $vCenter.Name