
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts : "awx"

How to install Ansible AWX on Ubuntu using Kubernetes K8S

This is step by step in the detailed installation guide of Ansible AWX operator (Automation controller Tower). On this channel earlier I had written 2 articles on how to install Ansible AWX operator but they are no longer valid as the installation instruction has been changed. For any new changes yo…

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Can not execute kustomize build issue installing Ansible AWX Operator

While installing Ansible AWX operator tower (Automation Controller) for the development team, I was receiving the below error. I was following the official installation guide given from

kustomize kustomization.yaml yml kubernetes manifest configuration vmware vsphere ansible awx operator azure ansible platform automation controller tower setup sevalsymlink git.jpg

ubuntu@AnsibleAWX:~$ kustomize build . …

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Ansible AWX Tower Github inventory integration | Github inventory source

After working on Step by Step guide to configure first Project Job Template on Ansible AWX Tower. The most crucial part was configuring Inventory. I wanted a dynamic inventory which can be modified or automatically updated easily. Although there is a dynamic inventory option available on Ansible AW…

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Step by Step guide to configure first Project Job Template on Ansible AWX Tower

Although I have already written an article on this topic earlier in Getting started Ansible AWX tower for IT automation run first playbook but since there is a new version available and I installed it, while testing it I found the instructions are same but portal gui is little bit different. So I t…

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Install Ansible AWX Tower on Ubuntu Linux OS

AWX is a one of the great devops and orchestration tool for deployment and configuration management. With Ansible AWX Tower you can unify and regulate your LAB Dev IT organization with a graphic dashboard, RBAC (role-based access control) , job scheduling, integrated announcements and graphical inve…

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Install Ansible AWX on Microsoft Windows OS

I was working on upgrading my Ansible AWX server in my lab, while upgrading/installing fresh Ansible AWX Tower server I found the step by step instructions I tried long back Install Ansible AWX Tower on Ubuntu Linux are absolutes now and no longer working as Ansible AWX team made few changes to it.…

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Reset Ansible AWX Tower admin password

While working on one of the project I came accross a Ansible AWX server where 'admin' password as missing, and I wanted to reset forgotten awx password, the steps given here will also work on RedHat Ansible Tower. In my case AWX is containerised and installed on docker, and I will run highlighted co…

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docker: Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket

Ansible AWX installation error docker-compose run --rm --service-ports task awx-manage migrate --no-input

This was another error I saw while deploying Ansible AWX on ubuntu linux. 

Ansible AWX installation error Cannot have both the docker-py and docker python modules
Install Ansible AWX Tower on Ubuntu Linux

TASK [local_docker :  Run migrations in task container]
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! …

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Ansible AWX installation error Cannot have both the docker-py and docker python modules

While installing Ansible AWX on Ubuntu I was receiving below error, while installing Ansible AWX it was giving below error.

TASK [local_docker : Remove AWX containers before migrating postgres so that the old postgres container does not get used] ***********************************
fatal: [lo…

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Install Ansible AWX Tower on Ubuntu Linux

Ansible is a software tool that offers simple but powerful automation for cross-platform operating systems and computer support. It is mainly planned for IT professionals, who use it for application deployment, updates on workstations and servers, cloud provisioning, configuration management, intra-…

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