
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts : "container"

Install and Setup your own Kubernetes Cluster with K3s

K3s is a trivial, lightweight, easy to install, implement, and operate version of standard Kubernetes (K8s). The main part is it is not a fork of Kubernetes. K3s is a certified Kubernetes lightweight distribution. It can be used to run production workload as well. I found it is easier to install K3S…

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Setup HAProxy for Ingress Controller Kubernetes Cluster

In earlier article I configured Setup and deploy Ingress controller for Kubernetes on Bare Metal servers. To get the web url working in the browser I had used local hosts file to add DNS host entries under directory /etc, but everytime I try the dns url in the browser it was taking me to the fir…

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Setup and deploy Ingress controller for Kubernetes on Bare Metal servers

After install, setup and configuration of Kubernetes Cluster in my bare metal servers, I wanted to do the POC (proof of concept) of Ingress resource for one of the production environment. 

Kubernetes Ingress is an API entity that lets entry to your Kubernetes services from outside network. It p…

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Kubernetes kubeadm join couldn't validate the identity of the API server connection refused

While configuring new worker node in Kubernetes cluster using kubeadm tool I was receiving below error. Basically I was trying to join worker node in the Kubernetes cluster control-plane using kubeadm join command, but it was failing because of multiple reasons.

Kuberenetes error kubeadm join error preflight error execution phase preflight couldn't validate the indentity of the api server connect connection refused init 6443 dial tcp.jpg

Complete articles series on i…

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Install and configure Kubernetes cluster master nodes using kubeadm - Part 2

After preparing NGINX load balancer for Kubernetes API Server in Configure Nginx Load Balancer for the Kubernetes API Server - Part 1. It is time to use this LB in Kubernetes cluster. I will setup 3 master nodes in control-plane. Before deploying master nodes using kubeadm, I am preparing servers …

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Configure Nginx Load Balancer for the Kubernetes API Server - Part 1

Although I have written two articles for installation and configuration Kubernetes cluster, it was built with very basic configuration and tried to keep it simple. Here in this article I am configuring full fledged Kubernetes cluster requiring intermediate skills on linux.

Check my articles on …

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Guide to building a Home Lab

Recently I purchased one laptop as an addition to home lab and for personal use. Over the period slowly I have increased systems in my Home Lab, Now even though if I buy systems with smaller hardware it works great as an overall addition. And in my lab I can run any setup ie vmware, windows, contain…

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Ansible AWX installation error docker-compose run --rm --service-ports task awx-manage migrate --no-input

This was another error I saw while deploying Ansible AWX on ubuntu linux. 

Ansible AWX installation error Cannot have both the docker-py and docker python modules
Install Ansible AWX Tower on Ubuntu Linux

TASK [local_docker :  Run migrations in task container]
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! …

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How to install Docker on Linux

Docker is a tool designed to make it easier to create, deploy, and run applications by using containers. Containers allow a developer to package up an application with all of the parts it needs, such as libraries and other dependencies, and ship it all out as one package. This is step by step guide …

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