
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts : "powershell automation"

Powershell WPF Themes guide step by step

Part 1: Basic Powershell WPF Themes guide step by step
Part 2: Powershell WPF Themes guide step by step
Part 3: Powershell wpf MahApps.Metro theme step by step

I have wrote many powershell GUI scripts but never thought using any themes on WPF GUI forms, As it is not required for internal organ…

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Creating a password reset tool with PowerShell GUI


One of the my blog reader, came across one of the article written on generating random password gui using powershell by me, and he contacted me as he wanted a small help on creating one GUI utility ADUser reset password. Below are the detailed information he provided in the email what exactly …

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Microsoft Powershell: Download a whole folder of files/subfolders from the web directory

One of my friend was seeking my help creating a script to download bulk files and folder from internal office training web portal, just newly created. Folders and files web structure was looking like below. The first url link shows what are the different training material was available, downloading …

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Add multiple proxy addresses with Microsoft PowerShell in Active Directory Groups

This article is second part of POWERSHELL ACTIVE DIRECTORY: ADD OR UPDATE PROXYADDRESSES IN USER PROPERTIES ATTRIBUTE EDITOR, In this part, I will be changing proxy addresses on active directory groups using PowerShell script. This is helpful while migration of bulk users and groups to Microsoft Of…

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Find next available free drive letter using PowerShell

Below is my one-liner small PowerShell code for finding next available free unassigned first drive letter, I use it frequently for automating mapping shared drives. This is based on Get-PSDrive -PSProvider FileSystem, it shows the all in use drive, Generally A, B (floppy drive not for use as disk or…

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Powershell Trick: Convert text to ASCII art

Powershell text convert to Ascii art demo abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 without online algorithm

As PowerShell has plain command based console if you want to show different font or different bigger font on the same console as output, you will have to use ASCII Text art, I had got a request to write a script to convert any text to ASCII art. Only weirdness in the request I found was, whateve…

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