
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts : "powershell tricks"

Powershell WPF GUI: ToolBox control Textbox watermark placeholder demo

microsoft powershell, wpf, windows presentation frameworks winforms, textbox control toolbox, visual studio, watermark textbox powershell

In this demo I will be showing how to put PlaceHolder text on textbox control on Powershell WPF (Windows presentation framework) GUI. here I have 3 textboxes. When I launches GUI, all the textboxes shows some default darkgray color watermark text information. When I click on them text will autom…

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Powershell Trick: Convert text to ASCII art

Powershell text convert to Ascii art demo abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 without online algorithm

As PowerShell has plain command based console if you want to show different font or different bigger font on the same console as output, you will have to use ASCII Text art, I had got a request to write a script to convert any text to ASCII art. Only weirdness in the request I found was, whateve…

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