
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts : "windows"

Part 3: Using HashiCorp Packer to build a Windows Server VM template for VMware vSphere

HashiCorp Packer.exe is an open source tool for building identical Virtual machine golden images for various platforms from a single source configuration. Packer is lightweight, runs on every major operating system, and is highly efficient, creating Master/Base machine images for several platforms i…

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Part 2: Configure IIS server to allow download .ISO files

This is a part 2 of my Part 1 article Inject and install VMware Tools During Install by modifying Microsoft Windows ISO. I will use this IIS server setup in the Hashcorp Packer.exe configuration to create VMware Microsoft Windows VM Template on vCenter server. 

Here I will configure IIS (Inter…

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Inject and install VMware Tools During Install by modifying Microsoft Windows ISO

I wrote this article as a first part of a Configuring and creating VMWare virtual machine template using HashiCorp Packer.exe. While automating and installing unattended Microsoft Windows VM template on VMWare vCenter Server using packer I was facing few challenges such as it was getting stuck and f…

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PowerShell GUI get patch updates information with disk space and uptime

This script helps to get last installed patches, updates with dates, Server/System Last boot Uptime and C drive disk space information. This script was asked by one of the my SCCM team to troubleshoot in case if patches/updates installation are failing.

After executing script you can view the inf…

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Using Ansible to Manage Windows Servers initial setup – Step by Step

In this article I will be configuring and connecting Ansible server and Windows host for Microsoft Windows system configuration management. First prepare Ansible host by installing collection with ansible-galaxy command. Next install pywinrm and python3-winrm Python packages with …

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Find and use Azure Marketplace VM images with Azure PowerShell

You can use this write up to find Azure Virtual Machine images available on the Azure Marketplace using PowerShell Module Az (Azure) commands. Before proceeding you need to know a few jargon vocabulary related to Azure cloud VM Images. You can use below properties to find VM templates on Azure cloud…

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Create and capture Microsoft Windows server Sysprep template image

I had a project where I wanted to deliver few Microsoft Windows images to the customer. After several meeting they wanted this templates to sysprep 'ed. 

What is Sysprep?

Sysprep is a tool/utility provided by Microsoft (System Preparation) that makes a Windows client or Windows Server prepa…

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Terraform VMware vSphere Virtual Machine customization clone failed on Windows

While doing project on Terraform with VMware vSphere: Terraform module clone VMware vSphere Linux and Windows virtual machine, I was receiving below error while deployment. VM was getting deployed but VM customization was running into error and failing.

│ Virtual machine customiza…

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Azure add create a Subnet to existing Virtual Network using PowerShell

This is second part of the earlier written article Create a Azure Virtual Network with Subnet using PowerShell. Here in this blog I will create subnet in already created Azure vNET (Virtual Network). I have defined Azure vNET and subnets in Powershell variables. I am creating a Azure vNET without a…

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Powershell Add multiple bulk DNS records from csv file

This script is very handy when creating multiple bulk  DNS records in the Microsoft DNS server. It is very plain instructions how to use. At the core of this script Add-DnsServerResourceRecordA is the PowerShell cmdlet which is doing the task of creating DNS records.

To use this script create…

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Install an SSL-TLS Certificate In Microsoft IIS web server

After Install and Configure IIS Web Server on Windows Server I wanted to add SSL/TLS certificate on web site on IIS web server, These are the step by step procedure to add certificate, Open Server Manager on windows server, from Tools click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager

Microsoft windows server IIS web server Internet information services manager tools server manager add ssl tls certificate edit binding


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Powershell Write-Eventlog The source name test does not exist on computer localhost

I was writing one GUI program on Microsoft Powershell, One of the requirement was logs (Information, Warnings and Errors) must be written under Event Log - Event Viewer, So troubleshooting or information viewing for program operations is easy and everything is logged properly. To fulfill the task th…

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Configuring Secure LDAPs on Domain Controller

After installing and configuring Certification Authority (CA) server, Next step is use it to generate SSL certificate for LDAPS configuration on Domain Controller.

The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is used to read from and write to Active Directory. By default, LDAP traffic is t…

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