
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts August 2017

Installing, importing and using any module in powershell

With PowerShell you can achieve great way to automation using additional modules. Modules are additional functionalities or extensions to Powershell. You can also treat them as client softwares, with them you can connect to particular softwares, You will see limitation if you want additional command…

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Reset forgotten ESXi root password on Domain joined Esxi using vSphere web client and Powercli

This article shows one of the reason why you always should follow best practices while configuring any environment. Here I will take a reference of my earlier blog . Few days back I received one personal project to work on, There was an issue, clients were wanted to perform some activity on ESXi ss…

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Powershell Active Directory: ADGroup Managedby - Checkbox Manager can update membership list

I found one of the query "How to click checkbox manager can update membership list on Active directory group using powershell" on the whatsapp group Powershell scripting. There is already official MicroSoft blog written for same purpose and there are two parts to it and they are worth reading. I wen…

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Active Directory Powershell: Aduser A value for the attribute was not in the acceptable range of values

While writing and testing script Active Directory Powershell: Create bulk users from CSV file, Simulating single user creation I came across an error. This error says.

New-ADUser : A value for the attribute was not in the acceptable range of values
At line:1 char:1
+ New-ADUser -Name TestUse…

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Active Directory Powershell: Create bulk users from CSV file

Creating bulk multiple user accounts on Active Directory Users and Computers mmc console is very boring and tough task also it is most of the time consuming and error prone tend to be lots of mistakes. If same task is done using automation it will be interesting and happen in less time. Active direc…

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Different ways to bypass Powershell execution policy :.ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled

By default PowerShell scripts ps1 extension files are restricted to execute on windows system (For windows 2016 it is by default remotesigned), Generally whenever you run ps1 file you will see below error on Powershell console. This is not the authentication issue instead no one can execute ps1 file…

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VMWare Powercli: Time Configuration (NTP - Network Time Protocol) on multiple Esxi server

This blog is related to my earlier blog vSphere ESXi security best practices: Time configuration - (NTP) Network Time Protocol, This is Powercli part of same article. Login into vCenter server, For more details check VMWARE VSPHERE POWERCLI INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION STEP BY STEP.

To add nt…

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vSphere ESXi security best practices: Time configuration - (NTP) Network Time Protocol

By default NTP - Network time protocol service is disabled on esxi server. ESXi servers always should be configured with NTP for below reasons.

Logs: Very first good reason is logs (events, /var/log). If your Esxi is not synchronized with Time server correctly, Details in logs will show incorrect…

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Powershell one liner: Create multiple user accounts

I had an opportunity to teach PowerShell Active Directory basics to some of my junior subordinate, Where I wanted them to show few test cases on creating multiple active directory user accounts, After building active directory from scratch, As this was the demo example lab, accounts created  running…

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Powershell: Change DNS IP addresses remotely on multiple computers using CIM & WMI

Although I had written this script around 4 years back I have again revised it to work it in more better way with status report on console. I used this script again after long time to change/update DNS ip addresses on remote Windows servers, after introducing my new upgraded DNS servers. Same task …

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