
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts October 2020

Powershell adding leading zeros to string or int

I was working on a script project where I wanted to create and defined names for multiple virtual machine in the series, with maintaining length of the string of names with numbers adding leading zeros, Below -f format operator one-liner command helps me to create the list.

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Powershell Dell iDrac redfish Rest API basic authentication

In one of my blog Configure Dell iDrac9 Rest API with Powershell I showed how use x-auth-token to connect to Dell iDrac, here I instead of token, using basic authentication (use UserName and Password each time to connect to Redfish iDRAC rest api), This is just a example and I will be using expli…

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Powershell web scrapping extract table from html

This is small script I use to collect the table data from website to Powershell Object and then further it can be saved to csv file. For this example I am taking table example from I will try to convert table to Powershell Object. HTML tables has tags th (Table header) and …

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