
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts August 2020

Configure vCenter SSO Active Directory (Integrated Windows Authentication) as identity source

I have already written a article on Add a vCenter Single Sign On Identity Source Active Directory (Windows Integrated Authentication), there are 2 ways to configure vCenter SSO with Windows Integrated Authentication, In the earlier article I have shown how to Use Machine Account, and the settings d…

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Powershell Find application window state minimized or maximized

While working on one of the small freelance project there was a requirement to find whether launched application/process is minimized or maximized (For example when I open Microsoft excel what is the state whether it is minimized or maximized). This value of window state you can easily get with UIAu…

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VMware Skyline Collector Password Recovery (KB52652)

After configuring few instances of VMware Skyline I found I am no longer able to login through ssh root or on web portal through admin, the default password was not working. Another thing was whenever logging through SSH tool I was getting root is locked up. For this skyline has simple and nice know…

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Configure Dell iDrac9 Rest API with Powershell

After writing  2 articles related on HPE ILO rest api, I had to automate Dell iDRAC9 systems using powershell. Dell iDRAC9 rest API is based on Redfish resources. HPE ILO5 also uses redfish for APIs but the resources and parameter usage are somewhat totally different, So  I wrote Dell iDRAC codes fr…

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PowerCLI Add a SCSI Controller to a Virtual Machine

My requirement was to write and automate adding a new virtual SCSI controller to virtual machines using PowerCLI. For this task there is cmdlet is already available New-ScsiController. But the problem with command is, standalone virtual SCSI controller cannot be added. It has to add new or existing…

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Esxi Registration unregistration of third-party IO filter storage providers fails on a host

While installing and testing ESXi 7 on the summary page it was showing warning message in yellow Registration/unregistration of third-party IO filter storage providers fails on a host

VMware has already KB provided for this issue - According to VMware this

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Powershell Configure ILO5 using Restful API

This is second part of PowerShell HPE ILO4 Rest API automation examples. In earlier part I shown how to use Rest API on ILO version 4. But the same API didn't work on ILO5 for me, After verifying document for ILO5, I found it uses RedFish rest api.

What is Redfish? 
DMTF's Redfish® is a sta…

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