
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts October 2021

VMware PowerCLI Find vCenter server name of any inventory object

In my daily use of Vmware PowerCLI scripts while pulling inventory from vCenter Server, I always include vCenter Center name in the inventory. For example if I am fetching list of Clusters or VMs with complete information it should include a property name of vCenter Server, where the object belongs.…

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PowerCLI Gather complete Virtual Distributed Switch (VDS) information from VMware vCenter

While working at different clients on their VMware infrastructure, I always gather complete inventory of a vCenter infrastructure first before doing any changes or designing a solution. This way I get to know very quick about the architecture. Here is my script which fetches all VDS (Virtual Distrib…

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Host static website on Azure Storage Account

Microsoft Azure Storage Account blob can be used as serverless web server to host static website pages, Static website content includes files pages from HTML, CSS, JavaScript and image files. Website files and data is stored on Storage Account special container named $web. This enables and gives …

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Resolved PowerShell Visual studio code stuck with 'Starting up PowerShell' in status bar

On one of the my colleagues new laptop we were setting up Visual Studio Code environment. After installing Microsoft PowerShell extension on VSCode when executing PowerShell ps1 script, it was getting stuck/freeze/hang with message "Starting up PowerShell" at the bottom-right side, and it was showin…

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How to create a Storage Account in Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure Storage Account is a Microsoft-controlled resource/service offering cloud storage that is highly accessible, available, reliable, secure, durable, robust, scalable, and redundant. Microsoft  Azure Storage Account consist of Azure Blobs (objects), Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2, Azure F…

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Uninstall Remove VIB software from ESXi server

This is second and opposite article of Install Update VIB Zip files software on VMware ESXi server, Here in this blog post I will uninstall remove installed VIB software application from VMware ESXi server. I will remove the software from ESXi shell. First enable SSH on ESXi server using VMWARE …

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Install Update VIB Zip files software on VMware ESXi server

This is a simple step by step guide on how to install or update vib software application on VMware ESXi server. First step I am going to use ESXi SSH to login. Make sure SSH is enabled on ESXi server, for the same you can find article VMWARE SECURITY BEST PRACTICES: POWERCLI ENABLE OR DISABLE ESX…

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Reset Dell iDRAC password from ESXi server

While working on new client's environment, I had limited information about Dell iDRAC ips and password. I found iDRAC IPs list with earlier articles Find Dell iDrac, HPE ilo IPMI ip address on VMware ESXi. The next task was to find out iDRAC password. In this task I tried with standard passwords p…

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VMware vCenter server vcsa Setting IP IPv6 configuration failed, IP configuration not allowed

This issue you might have faced at least once while reconfiguring VMware vCenter server VCSA ip configuration. It does not allow to change the IP configuration in (F2) Customize System. Here I am on the vCenter Appliance console and I wanted to change few IP configuration.

Vmware Vsphere esxi vcenter vcsa vmware vcenter server embedded platform services controller appliance customize ip change failed.png

After changing an…

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PowerCLI Connect-VIServer Error: Invalid server certificate. Use Set-PowerCLIConfiguration to set the value for the InvalidCertificateAction

While working with VMware PowerCLI module I was receiving below error, when connecting to vCenter or ESXi server. The system where I was working on, PowerCLI was installed for first time and I was connecting to vCenter/ESXi for first time from the system. This issue occurs due to SSL certificate ins…

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Find Dell iDrac, HPE ilo IPMI ip address on VMware ESXi

You might have come across situation where you want to find remote management controller IP address information (ie: Dell iDrac or HPE ILO ip etc). This article will help you on the topic.

Although you can see ILO or iDRAC IP address details when system boot, but you will have to be present in fr…

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Ansible AWX Tower Github inventory integration | Github inventory source

After working on Step by Step guide to configure first Project Job Template on Ansible AWX Tower. The most crucial part was configuring Inventory. I wanted a dynamic inventory which can be modified or automatically updated easily. Although there is a dynamic inventory option available on Ansible AW…

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