
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts March 2021

Creating a new user in Azure AD using oneliner PowerShell and Azure CLI

I was testing few Labs on Microsoft Azure active directory and wanted to create few Azure AD users for testing purpose. I have already installed az powershell module, In the below script when you supply password it has to be in securestring format. 

How to switch to other Azure AD tenant using…

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How to switch to other Azure AD tenant using PowerShell and Azure CLI

This is small guide shows how you can switch or change Azure Active Directory tenant using Powershell and Azure CLI. Before The first step I will show from portal how to switch or change to another domain in Azure active directory. Once you login into either go into menu and select

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Backup VMware vCenter server using SMB protocol

While working on my previous tasks Patching update VMware vCenter Server Appliance from a zipped update bundle Web server, there was a constant need to always take backup of vCenter server appliance before doing any update/upgrade or maintenance activity (This is also a good practice to always take…

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Patching update VMware vCenter Server Appliance from a zipped update bundle Web server

I have patched/updated vCenter server multiple times using ISO file in the past and wrote blog - Patching the vCenter Server Appliance VCSA. but whenever updating/patching vCenter server, I had to maintain ISO file repository, but I wanted to have centralized system and automated way from where I…

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Install an SSL-TLS Certificate In Microsoft IIS web server

After Install and Configure IIS Web Server on Windows Server I wanted to add SSL/TLS certificate on web site on IIS web server, These are the step by step procedure to add certificate, Open Server Manager on windows server, from Tools click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager

Microsoft windows server IIS web server Internet information services manager tools server manager add ssl tls certificate edit binding


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VMware vCenter server Error no healthy upstream

After completing VMware vCenter server appliance (vcsa) installation and configuration, when tested vCenter UI url https://vcenter:443/ui, I was receiving below error. I restarted vCenter server vcsa multiple times, checked if DNS entries (A host record and PTR pointer record) exists in DNS server …

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Unable to save IP settings Install Stage 2 Set up vCenter Server configuration

I was deploying fresh new vCenter server, after ova file installation while vCenter server configuration on the stage 2 set up vCenter Server, I was keep receiving error Unable to to save IP settings. I found Network configuration was not editable and set to Assign static IP address, all the networ…

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Add a Trusted Root Certificate to the Certificate Store VMware Photon OS

I was designing and testing a VMware vCenter server update Repository web server solution in my home lab, I built a new web server, but when accessing it on vCenter server with curl command it was giving below error. When I checked the same url in browser, it was working fine, because it was https s…

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Install and Configure IIS Web Server on Windows Server

I was working on a client project where customer had more than 200 vCenter servers of mix version, My goal was to design and automate patching the VMware vCenter Server Appliance from a Zipped Update Bundle. As per the criteria I found first requirement was to install and configure a Web Server, for…

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vCenter ui sorry this website doesn't exist 404 not found

Recently I was working with my friend to test my home lab, I gave him access to my vCenter server and he connected to my wifi network, but when he was testing IP of vCenter server he was able to connect through IP and when he was landing on to the vCenter FQDN SSO saml token page he was receiving er…

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PowerCLI oneliner get the list of users and groups from vCenter SSO

I was doing the audit of VMware vSphere vCenter servers to know the users and groups list on the vsphere.local SSO domain (If any custom new user or groups created), Below simple one-liner script helps to fetch the list of groups from vsphere.local single sign on domain. 

Import-Module VMwa…

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Ansible Error couldn't resolve module vmware.vmware_rest

After resolving error VMware ansible Error couldn't resolve module community.vmware, I faced another error while upgrading hardware version on the VMware Virtual Machines, while using ansible vmware.guest in the task. Which derived from main module/plugin vmware.vm_rest. Below is the test tem…

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VMware ansible Error couldn't resolve module community.vmware

Recently while working with one of the old ansible server where I wanted to automation to get the list of VMware vCenter virtual machines list, and the ansible playbook was failing due to few prerequisite, In below script I was using community.vmware.vmware_vm_info ansible module/plugin to get th…

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