
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts May 2023

PowerShell WPF XAML DataGrid control databinding datacontext example - Part 3

Earlier I wrote two articles regarding PowerShell WPF for DataBinding examples. In this article I will be using DataBinding to use with DataGrid control.

PowerShell WPF XAML simple data binding datacontext example - Part 1
PowerShell WPF XAML control to control data binding datacontext example…

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PowerShell WPF XAML control to control data binding datacontext example - Part 2

This is a part 2 of PowerShell WPF XAML simple data binding datacontext example - Part 1. Here I will configure control to control data binding context in WPF XAML. In this example I am using Slider and TextBox controls to show example. Here if I change Slider it should update its value on TextBox …

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PowerShell WPF XAML simple data binding datacontext example - Part 1

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) provides a simple and consistent way for applications to present and interact with data by binding elements to data from different kinds of data sources in the form of .NET objects and XML.

Here in this example I will show how to create simple WPF binding usi…

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Securely Encrypt and Decrypt password with PowerShell GUI tool

This GUI tool is written using PowerShell and it helps encrypt given password and then decrypts that text to Password back. My colleague schedules PowerShell scripts a lot. Generally as best practice they do not use clear text password in their scripts. Instead they wanted to keep it in the encrypte…

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DevOps Part 1.1 SCM Git - Create Resource Group in Microsoft Azure

This will be multipart article series on DevOps. In this part I am going to configure SCM git (Source control) and push my code to centralized repository on For this first I need a system where I will complete all my DevOps Labs configuration and use it as a workstation. I will create a …

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Part 3: Using HashiCorp Packer to build a Windows Server VM template for VMware vSphere

HashiCorp Packer.exe is an open source tool for building identical Virtual machine golden images for various platforms from a single source configuration. Packer is lightweight, runs on every major operating system, and is highly efficient, creating Master/Base machine images for several platforms i…

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Part 2: Configure IIS server to allow download .ISO files

This is a part 2 of my Part 1 article Inject and install VMware Tools During Install by modifying Microsoft Windows ISO. I will use this IIS server setup in the Hashcorp Packer.exe configuration to create VMware Microsoft Windows VM Template on vCenter server. 

Here I will configure IIS (Inter…

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Inject and install VMware Tools During Install by modifying Microsoft Windows ISO

I wrote this article as a first part of a Configuring and creating VMWare virtual machine template using HashiCorp Packer.exe. While automating and installing unattended Microsoft Windows VM template on VMWare vCenter Server using packer I was facing few challenges such as it was getting stuck and f…

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Access credential parameters stored in Ansible Tower within a playbook

This article is helpful in below operations.

  • How to access credential (secret vault values) parameters stored in Ansible Tower within a playbook? (For example: Secrets, username, password, etc)
  • How to use these variables when delegating to another host in the same playbook?


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