
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts July 2023

Terraform deploy create A Private DNS Record in Microsoft Azure from list of objects

This is an example of creating multiple private DNS records in Microsoft Azure from list of objects. Here I am starting with, I am using below list of objects as type in variable.
variable "dns_records" {
  type = list(object({
    name                =

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Terraform testing variable map object values without resource configuration part 2

This is second part of earlier written article Terraform testing local variables and output csv file without resource Part 1. Idea is use same method technique to learn and verify how to assign map of object works. Below is the example of variable map object and its output.

I used this map obje…

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Terraform testing local variables and output csv file without resource Part 1

This is article is about how I test and verify my maps, list, object and sets values without any resources and to check provided objects are mentioned correctly. Here in below example I wanted to test csv file content in terraform. To check the same I created local variables from CSV file and watch …

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Terraform error retrieving storage account failure responding to request StatusCode 404 StorageAccountNotFound The storage account was not found

While working with Terraform Azure provider and creating storage account with service endpoints (subnets), I was receiving below strange error.

Error: retrieving Storage Account: (name: "storageaccount" / Resource Group "resourcegroup")"  storage.AccountsClient#GetProperties: Failure responding t…

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Terraform clone virtual machine template in VMware vSphere vCenter from CSV file

While working on cloning virtual machine in vCenter from template I already written two articles Using terraform to clone a virtual machine on VMware vSphere infrastructure and Terraform module clone VMware vSphere Linux and Windows virtual machine. But I wanted to improvise it as I got some modi…

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Terraform A reference to a resource type must be followed by at least one attribute access, specifying the resource name

After entering my resources information for Azure in Terraform configuration files and running a plan I was keep on receiving below error.

A reference to a resource type must be followed by at least one attribute access, specifying the resource name

terraform plan azure a reference to a resource type must be followed by at least one attribute access specifying the resource name.png

PS D:\Projects\Terraform\Module_creat…

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Terraform one module deploy null or multiple resources based on input (nested for loop)

This article is about little bit advanced structure in the terraform module, Here I using terraform functions to create a module where multiple resources will be created from given map or object input. If map or object is null (not mentioned) there shouldn't be error and it should skip making those …

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Hashicorp Terraform map and object inside module and variable example

This is example of map and object functions used in variable and Terraform module. Here is my tree view of module folders and tf files.

terraform hashicorp hcl tree module map and object example microsoft azure cloud resource group storage account.png

In the module variable I am using two terraform functions object and map to define data. To use object, provide information in key value pair and dictionar…

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How to PowerCLI VMware Snapshots Virtual Machines disks consolidation is needed

In earlier part Solved: VMware Snapshots Virtual Machines disks consolidation is needed I performed steps on vCenter Portal GUI. Here I will use VMware PowerCLI to perform the same steps to automate it. 

First step is to connect to vCenter server using command Connect-VIServer. Use below comm…

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Solved: VMware Snapshots Virtual Machines disks consolidation is needed

I was cleaning up some datastore data due to storage space low. I found there were few old long snapshots exist on VMs. After deleting those old snapshots from VMware Virtual Machines I was seeing warning and information message on summary page Virtual machine disks consolidation is needed status

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Update offline bundle zip on standalone ESXi host using commandline without vCenter

This is a step by step procedure to update offline bundle zip on standalone ESXi host using command line without vCenter. I was updating few of my VMware ESXi servers in my home Lab environment. There were few ESXi hosts in the lab were standalone and not connected to any vCenter server. On the stan…

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PowerShell WPF Mouse cursor tracker

Currently I am working on a PowerShell GUI project where I need to track Mouse Cursor. In this article this is a sample code to track Mouse Cursor. As you move mouse on GUI console, it shows the position of mouse.

In this sample code it uses MouseMove event and Windows.Input.Mouse position…

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PowerShell HTML Server Racks Cabinet Live Diagram maker Demo

This is test code I built to create dynamic Server / Racks cabinet live diagram on HTML as frontend from provided input inside Excel CSV using PowerShell script. I am still working on the code, whatever code I have worked so far I am posting it online. Basically after generating Diagram on HTML webp…

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Update ESXi servers in VMware Cluster using vCenter Lifecycle Manager

It is best practice to keep you ESXi server up to date to keep server out of vulnerabilities and issue. Patching helps to resolve new upcoming CVE's and keep server compliant in security team's report. In this article I will update entire cluster using VMware Lifecycle Manager in vCenter server 8…

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Build custom ESXi image using VMware Image Builder

In this article I will show how use VMware Image Builder to customize and create ESXi ISO images. 

VMware Image Builder is a powerful functionality within vCenter Server that enables the packaging, validation, and distribution of ESXi OS ISO/Zip software images across various platforms within an…

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