In this article, this example shows how to deploy resource group in Azure subscription. While deploying resource group with PowerShell you need to use New-AzSubscriptionDeployment cmdlet. Below is the output after deploying Resource Group in the subscription.
This article is a continuation of my previous post, where I deployed CPU quota usage alerts for a subscription using Azure ARM templates. In this post, I'll demonstrate how to deploy Action Groups and Subscription Quota Alerts for CPU usage using Bicep.
This article is about Implementing of CPU Quota Usage Alert for Azure Subscription. As part of my recent assignment, I successfully created a CPU quota usage alert for an Azure subscription using Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates. The deployment enables real-time monitoring of CPU quota usage, …
In this article I posting terraform configuration script to deploy and configure complete function app with private endpoint and related resources in Microsoft Azure. This is complete configuration script for function app with private endpoint. With this configuration code it creates all below l…
Using client id (Service Principal) and client secret to connect Azure Rest API is fairly easy and simple. As I have shown in my earlier articles. I am using another way of using your organization Username of Password to connect to azure Rest API instead of client id and client secret. You generate …
I had a task to explore and deploy resources in Microsoft Azure using Rest API. Very good and detailed documentation is provided by Microsoft for Azure Rest API here
In this example I will use PowerShell to automate Azure Rest API and cre…
I had a task to deploy multiple subnets to a Azure Virtual Network (vNet) using Hashicorp Terraform HCL. I wanted to test and use element() function combination with count meta argument to do the simple POC with less code and automation. Here is snapshot of my Virtual Network's Subnets view in the p…
While creating a new resource Service Plan Web APP with Container, while choosing option Image Source from Azure Container Registry (ACR) and selecting docker image I was receiving error Cannot perform credential operations for /subscriptions/9e22xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/vc…
After upgrading Ansible Azure plugin module, while running my old ansible scripts against Azure resources to change or get information I was receiving error of TypeError: deprecated() got an unexpected keyword argument. (My credentials are stored in the file location of vim ~/.azure/credentials)
This script helps to find files and folders on Azure Storage Accounts blobs and containers.
There are two PowerShell variables I have mentioned, First Variable is $searchFile use file extension or names you want to search. Report are generated in file path mentioned under variable $exportCsv.
This is a second part of Deploy create Virtual Network vNET in Azure cloud using Ansible, in this part I am creating multiple vNets with single Ansible script. All the info and details related to new vNet added in separate vnet variable yml file in json format as shown below.
There is another way to Find and use Azure Marketplace VM images with Azure PowerShell. You can do the same task to fetch Azure VM information using is az cli. There are two common images UbuntuServer and MicrosoftWindowsServer. Here I will work with Ubuntu images to get information from az cli co…
This is second part of the earlier written article Create a Azure Virtual Network with Subnet using PowerShell. Here in this blog I will create subnet in already created Azure vNET (Virtual Network). I have defined Azure vNET and subnets in Powershell variables. I am creating a Azure vNET without a…
This part is continuation of Ansible authenticate to Microsoft Azure using credential profiles Part 1. Earlier I used automatic variables to use profile while executing ansible yaml script. But it is sometimes very inefficient, So inside the Ansible azure yaml code you can use profile parameter as…
This article is first part of Deploy create Virtual Network vNET in Azure cloud using Ansible Here I am going to show multiple ways to authenticate Ansible with Microsoft Azure cloud. Very first method is very simple using azure az cli. Make sure you have installed azure cli application on linux wh…
Azure VNet (Virtual Network) is the essential element for your private network in the Azure Cloud. Virtual Network allows various kinds of Azure resources, such as Azure Virtual Machines (VM), to securely connect with each other, the internet, and on-premises networks. In this article I will be crea…