
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts : "cloud"

Part 4 GitHub Actions deploy azure resources with Terraform backend

In this section, I'm leveraging the azurerm backend to keep the Terraform state (tfstate) file in an Azure Storage Account. This will make sure that the Terraform state is centralized and consistent across different environments and team members. Every time I push changes to my Terraform configurat…

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Part 3 Automating and Planning Azure Resources with Terraform and GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions is a CI/CD tool that automates tasks and workflows within your repository. It lets you to create custom workflows, trigger actions, and keep sensitive information securely. Common use cases include automating testing, deployment, and code quality checks. You can also use GitHub Actio…

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HashiCorp HCP Terraform Cloud backend configuration

HCP Terraform Cloud is a managed service presented by HashiCorp that permits users to run Terraform in a cloud-based environment. It provides a protected, scalable, and collaborative platform for infrastructure organizational automation.

HCP Terraform Cloud proposes numerous benefits, including:

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Terraform workspace with example

In the Hashicorp Terraform there is a feature called Terraform workspace that permits you to achieve multiple, isolated infrastructure environments within a single Terraform configuration. A workspace is fundamentally a way to isolate your infrastructure configurations into different environments, s…

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Terraform testing variable map object values without resource configuration part 2

This is second part of earlier written article Terraform testing local variables and output csv file without resource Part 1. Idea is use same method technique to learn and verify how to assign map of object works. Below is the example of variable map object and its output.

I used this map obje…

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Terraform A reference to a resource type must be followed by at least one attribute access, specifying the resource name

After entering my resources information for Azure in Terraform configuration files and running a plan I was keep on receiving below error.

A reference to a resource type must be followed by at least one attribute access, specifying the resource name

terraform plan azure a reference to a resource type must be followed by at least one attribute access specifying the resource name.png

PS D:\Projects\Terraform\Module_creat…

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Terraform one module deploy null or multiple resources based on input (nested for loop)

This article is about little bit advanced structure in the terraform module, Here I using terraform functions to create a module where multiple resources will be created from given map or object input. If map or object is null (not mentioned) there shouldn't be error and it should skip making those …

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Hashicorp Terraform map and object inside module and variable example

This is example of map and object functions used in variable and Terraform module. Here is my tree view of module folders and tf files.

terraform hashicorp hcl tree module map and object example microsoft azure cloud resource group storage account.png

In the module variable I am using two terraform functions object and map to define data. To use object, provide information in key value pair and dictionar…

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Ansible Azure An exception occurred during task execution. TypeError deprecated() got an unexpected keyword argument

After upgrading Ansible Azure plugin module, while running my old ansible scripts against Azure resources to change or get information I was receiving error of TypeError: deprecated() got an unexpected keyword argument. (My credentials are stored in the file location of vim ~/.azure/credentials

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Find and use Azure Marketplace VM images with Azure PowerShell

You can use this write up to find Azure Virtual Machine images available on the Azure Marketplace using PowerShell Module Az (Azure) commands. Before proceeding you need to know a few jargon vocabulary related to Azure cloud VM Images. You can use below properties to find VM templates on Azure cloud…

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Ansible authenticate to Microsoft Azure using credential profiles Part 2

This part is continuation of Ansible authenticate to Microsoft Azure using credential profiles Part 1. Earlier I used automatic variables to use profile while executing ansible yaml script. But it is sometimes very inefficient, So inside the Ansible azure yaml code you can use profile parameter as…

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Ansible authenticate to Microsoft Azure using credential profiles Part 1

My earlier article Quickstart How to authenticate Ansible with Microsoft Azure was for basic and foundation for authentication to azure using Ansible. But I have scenarios with multiple subscriptions to automate multiple azure clouds using Ansible, in that case I will make use of multiple credentia…

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Microsoft Azure PowerShell cmdlet 'this.Client.SubscriptionId' cannot be null

While working on one of my expired and disabled Microsoft Azure subscription with PowerShell, I was receiving error (Get-AzVirtualNetwork: 'this.Client.SubscriptionId' cannot be null) when trying to get information from Azure Virtual Network. Although I was receiving error for all the resources when…

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Host static website on Azure Storage Account

Microsoft Azure Storage Account blob can be used as serverless web server to host static website pages, Static website content includes files pages from HTML, CSS, JavaScript and image files. Website files and data is stored on Storage Account special container named $web. This enables and gives …

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Writing and Using Terraform modules

This is a small example of Terraform module how to write and use it. A Terraform module is a folder/container for multiple resources that are used together. Every Terraform configuration has at least one module, known as its root module, which consists of the resources defined in the terraform .tf f…

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Create a Virtual machine on Microsoft Azure

Although I have written PART 9: CREATING AND MANAGING VIRTUAL MACHINE (VM) USING MICROSOFT AZURE RESOURCE MANAGER PORTAL but it is the old article now, afterwords there are many updates came while creating an Azure Virtual Machine. New Azure VM updates are still easier to understand and configure, T…

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Create and manage Azure budgets

Whenever I assign permissions on new Azure Subscription to new colleage groups I always create either new Azure budget or manage existing budget alert group to receive necessory subscription cost spending communications. After creating or managing budget I can ensure users are informed of the subscr…

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Uploading to Azure Web Apps Using FTP

Web apps works as very good hosting plan, you can host your website apps on line with Azure very easily. This is 3rd article in the series how to upload files to web app. Once Azure Web Apps is configured, next step is to upload custom web application built with php + html codes on it. Go to the Res…

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Azure azcopy login error Selected user account does not exist in tenant 'Microsoft Services' and cannot access the application '579a7132-0e58-4d80-b1e1-7a1e2d337859'

While working with new version 10 of azcopy.exe I was facing error while login. After logging in the browser it was not accepting my username and password to login to Azure.What it says is I am not able to login to '579a7132-0e58-4d80-b1e1-7a1e2d337859', and my user account doesn't exist for login.…

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AzCopy copy transfer fails with 403 This request is not authorized to perform this operation using this permission

Azcopy is a great command-line tool for automating Azure storage, it is a simple yet powerful command line interface that allows you to copy files to and from Azure storage and between Azure storage accounts. I was doing POC of the latest version of azcopy.exe, (There 2 different flavors available f…

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