
Virtual Geek

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Blog posts : "hashicorp"

HashiCorp HCP Terraform Cloud backend configuration

HCP Terraform Cloud is a managed service presented by HashiCorp that permits users to run Terraform in a cloud-based environment. It provides a protected, scalable, and collaborative platform for infrastructure organizational automation.

HCP Terraform Cloud proposes numerous benefits, including:

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Terraform count vs for_each for examples with map of objects

In this Terraform article I have two examples for loop and count loop. I have one map of object. Where I will use both the loops on map to show how to use them in different way. You can check my earlier articles for different loops examples - Terraform for_each loop on map example and Terraform…

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Terraform remote-exec provisioner with ssh connection in null_resource

This is a Terraform example of remote-exec provisioner with ssh connection using null_resource. To use remote-exec you need to provide remote server connection information. In my below example I am using and creating connection with ssh protocol to linux servers with terraform configuration. If you …

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Terraform testing variable map object values without resource configuration part 2

This is second part of earlier written article Terraform testing local variables and output csv file without resource Part 1. Idea is use same method technique to learn and verify how to assign map of object works. Below is the example of variable map object and its output.

I used this map obje…

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Part 3: Using HashiCorp Packer to build a Windows Server VM template for VMware vSphere

HashiCorp Packer.exe is an open source tool for building identical Virtual machine golden images for various platforms from a single source configuration. Packer is lightweight, runs on every major operating system, and is highly efficient, creating Master/Base machine images for several platforms i…

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Part 2: Configure IIS server to allow download .ISO files

This is a part 2 of my Part 1 article Inject and install VMware Tools During Install by modifying Microsoft Windows ISO. I will use this IIS server setup in the Hashcorp Packer.exe configuration to create VMware Microsoft Windows VM Template on vCenter server. 

Here I will configure IIS (Inter…

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Inject and install VMware Tools During Install by modifying Microsoft Windows ISO

I wrote this article as a first part of a Configuring and creating VMWare virtual machine template using HashiCorp Packer.exe. While automating and installing unattended Microsoft Windows VM template on VMWare vCenter Server using packer I was facing few challenges such as it was getting stuck and f…

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Using terraform to clone a virtual machine on VMware vSphere infrastructure

This is a example script to clone and deploy multiple Linux vCenter Virtual Machines on VMware vSphere vCenter server infrastructure using hashicorp terraform scripts. In my VMware infrastructure I already have configured virtual datacenter, cluster, network and datastore. There is Linux VM template…

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Conditionally create resources in Terraform

I had scenario with Terraform to deploy resources based on the value given in variables. This is also an example of count and if condition. When you use count inside the resource block and if value is mentioned 0 that resource will not be deployed. Now I am giving the count number programmatically …

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Terraform manage similar resources with for_each loop inside modules

After working on few of the Azure Terraform (Infrastructure as code) projects, I found I had to deploy same resource again and again, instead of defining same resource manually, I can use for_each loop to deploy resources smartly inside module block. In this example I am going to deploy Azure Virtu…

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