In this article I posting terraform configuration script to deploy and configure complete function app with private endpoint and related resources in Microsoft Azure. This is complete configuration script for function app with private endpoint. With this configuration code it creates all below l…
Blog posts : "microsoft"
PowerShell create resources on Azure using Rest API with user account
Using client id (Service Principal) and client secret to connect Azure Rest API is fairly easy and simple. As I have shown in my earlier articles. I am using another way of using your organization Username of Password to connect to azure Rest API instead of client id and client secret. You generate …
Azure Rest API connect with Powershell and create resources
I had a task to explore and deploy resources in Microsoft Azure using Rest API. Very good and detailed documentation is provided by Microsoft for Azure Rest API here
In this example I will use PowerShell to automate Azure Rest API and cre…
Azure Web App Containers Cannot perform credential operations for providers Microsoft.ContainerRegistry ad admin user is disabled, enable it
While creating a new resource Service Plan Web APP with Container, while choosing option Image Source from Azure Container Registry (ACR) and selecting docker image I was receiving error Cannot perform credential operations for /subscriptions/9e22xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/vc…
Azure DevOps Enable creation of classic build release pipelines grayed out
While configuring new Azure DevOps pipelines in the project I found classic editor is not visible in Pipelines section also few options under Pipelines were not visible such as releases and task groups. There is s a option to enable classic editor in Project Settings. To make changes navigate to P…
Terraform fore_each for loop filter with if condition example
In this HashiCorp Terraform configuration example article, I am using if condition to filter list of variable objects. Here in this configuration I am have multiple list of resource group, Their name and location are different in the variable objects as mentioned below.
I want to deploy only…
Terraform foreach module output to show only required results
In my previous articles I was testing my variable information to see output, one thing I observed in the output was showing all the variable content information in the output.
Terraform testing local variables and output csv file without resource Part 1
Terraform testing variable map object va…
Bulk change multiple file names with OneLiner PowerShell command
This is a one liner PowerShell script to change multiple files names in bulk. In this below given example I had multiple png images. I will take one file name Button_Icon_Black.png as an example. I wanted to just keep the name of the file with the Black.png (color name). Using below command you can…
DevOps Part 1.2 SCM Git - Create Virtual Network (vNET) in Microsoft Azure
In my earlier part of this DevOps series DevOps Part 1.1 SCM Git - Create Resource Group in Microsoft Azure, I created first Azure resource - an empty Resource Group. In this example I am going to create vNET (Virtual Network) in this resource group.
An essential part of your private network inf…
DevOps Part 1.1 SCM Git - Create Resource Group in Microsoft Azure
This will be multipart article series on DevOps. In this part I am going to configure SCM git (Source control) and push my code to centralized repository on For this first I need a system where I will complete all my DevOps Labs configuration and use it as a workstation. I will create a …
Part 3: Using HashiCorp Packer to build a Windows Server VM template for VMware vSphere
HashiCorp Packer.exe is an open source tool for building identical Virtual machine golden images for various platforms from a single source configuration. Packer is lightweight, runs on every major operating system, and is highly efficient, creating Master/Base machine images for several platforms i…
Part 2: Configure IIS server to allow download .ISO files
This is a part 2 of my Part 1 article Inject and install VMware Tools During Install by modifying Microsoft Windows ISO. I will use this IIS server setup in the Hashcorp Packer.exe configuration to create VMware Microsoft Windows VM Template on vCenter server.
Here I will configure IIS (Inter…
Inject and install VMware Tools During Install by modifying Microsoft Windows ISO
I wrote this article as a first part of a Configuring and creating VMWare virtual machine template using HashiCorp Packer.exe. While automating and installing unattended Microsoft Windows VM template on VMWare vCenter Server using packer I was facing few challenges such as it was getting stuck and f…
PowerShell GUI get patch updates information with disk space and uptime
This script helps to get last installed patches, updates with dates, Server/System Last boot Uptime and C drive disk space information. This script was asked by one of the my SCCM team to troubleshoot in case if patches/updates installation are failing.
After executing script you can view the inf…
HOW to Add multiple email addresses to Distribution Groups in Exchange online Office 365
I was working with one of my client on a automation solution with PowerShell for Exchange Online. I wanted to write a PowerShell script to add secondary alias email addresses to Distribution Groups in Exchange online Office 365.
Base of the script is Set-DistributionGroup cmdlet which does all …
Ansible Azure An exception occurred during task execution. TypeError deprecated() got an unexpected keyword argument
After upgrading Ansible Azure plugin module, while running my old ansible scripts against Azure resources to change or get information I was receiving error of TypeError: deprecated() got an unexpected keyword argument. (My credentials are stored in the file location of vim ~/.azure/credentials)
…PowerShell How to find file and folders in Azure Storage Account Blobs and Containers
This script helps to find files and folders on Azure Storage Accounts blobs and containers.
There are two PowerShell variables I have mentioned, First Variable is $searchFile use file extension or names you want to search. Report are generated in file path mentioned under variable $exportCsv.
Powershell GUI System Hardware Information
After publishing a project Create an interactive HTML report with PowerShell data, few people gave me feedback, They implemented this and found it very useful that it shows the serial number of server/desktop hardware parts without opening the system and doesn't require downtime, All happens remotel…
Create multiple Azure vnet (Virtual Network) using ansible
This is a second part of Deploy create Virtual Network vNET in Azure cloud using Ansible, in this part I am creating multiple vNets with single Ansible script. All the info and details related to new vNet added in separate vnet variable yml file in json format as shown below.
Next in below …
Send system disk space utilization HTML report Email using PowerShell
This script generates system disk drive usage HTML reports using PowerShell. This is very handy for sending weekly or daily reports of servers in html or host it on web server for monitoring. In my case VDI team contacted me for creating a system Disk HTML reports for VDI and sending them to concern…
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