
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts : "microsoft"

Microsoft Azure PowerShell cmdlet 'this.Client.SubscriptionId' cannot be null

While working on one of my expired and disabled Microsoft Azure subscription with PowerShell, I was receiving error (Get-AzVirtualNetwork: 'this.Client.SubscriptionId' cannot be null) when trying to get information from Azure Virtual Network. Although I was receiving error for all the resources when…

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Terraform manage similar resources with for_each loop inside modules

After working on few of the Azure Terraform (Infrastructure as code) projects, I found I had to deploy same resource again and again, instead of defining same resource manually, I can use for_each loop to deploy resources smartly inside module block. In this example I am going to deploy Azure Virtu…

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Terraform for_each loop on resource example

In this article I will be using for_each loop to deploy same resources multiple time. This is a third part of earlier series of Terraform for_each loop on map example. Using the for_each loop I will deploy multiple Subnet resources inside Azure Virtual Network (VNET). Using loop I can keep my terra…

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Microsoft Azure Virtual WAN Part 7 - Configure security configuration | Route traffic to your secured hub | Test connectivity

Microsoft vWAN Azure firewall virtual wan virtual hub virtual network connections vnet subnet virtual machine vm vnet peering hub to hub connectivity powershell template creation routing connectivity check vm virtual machines.png

This is final and last article of vWAN configuration series. In this article I will be configuring Hub Security configuration - Routing on the the Virtual Hub and testing connectivity between Azure Virtual Machines between the different vNETs and across the region. 

Microsoft Azure Virtual…

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Microsoft Azure Virtual WAN Part 6 - Creating and configuring Azure Firewall Policies

In the earlier article I created few Virtual Machines on the Azure. Below are the few screenshots of Virtual Machines networking configuration with location and Private Ip address information which I will require to configure in Azure firewall policies to filter traffic in next few steps.


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Microsoft Azure Virtual WAN Part 5 - Create Azure Virtual Machine (VM)

Microsoft vWAN Azure firewall virtual wan virtual hub virtual network connections vnet subnet virtual machine vm vnet peering hub to hub connectivity powershell virtual machine template creation.png

With these series I slowly coming to the complete configuration of vWAN architecture and here in this article I am creating and configuring Azure Virtual Machines (VM) as one of the configuration. There are 3 Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines I will creating using existing Virtual Network (vNET) …

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Microsoft Azure Virtual WAN Part 4 - Add Virtual Network connection | Hub vNet Peering

Microsoft Azure Virtual WAN Part 3.1 - Create secured virtual hub inside Azure Firewall Manager

Although I had shown how to create Virtual Hub under VWAN and convert it to secured hub in my earlier article. Still there is another way to create secured hub with different steps using Azure Firewall Manager. Azure Firewall Manager is a security management and administration service that offers…

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Microsoft Azure Virtual WAN Part 3 - Create and convert to secured virtual hub inside VWAN

A virtual hub is a Microsoft-managed virtual network. The hub includes different service endpoints to enable connectivity from your on-premises network (vpnsite). It is aa Microsoft-managed virtual network that allows and enables connectivity from other resource services. When a virtual hub is creat…

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Part 2 Create a Virtual WAN (VWAN) on Azure Portal

In this second article series of the Azure Virtual WAN (VWAN), I am deploying actual Virtual WAN. Azure Virtual WAN is a networking service that offers enhanced, optimized and automated branch-to-branch connectivity across Azure. Virtual WAN lets you link up, connect and configure office, branch dev…

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10 Useful Tips to Save Money as an Azure User

The demand for cloud-based storage solutions is high, and some people are constantly looking for ways they can take care of data-related problems. For example, someone might have concerns about their file safety and are interested in creating a backup. 

Or, they might read a blog post about stor…

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Powershell PSStyle Animation ANSI FileInfo color support for ANSI escape sequences | ASCII Art

Microsoft has released a new version of PowerShell 7.2. After installation of latest Microsoft PowerShell I was reading release notes and what's new document on While reading, there is a…

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Microsoft Azure Virtual WAN Part 1 - Create Virtual Network and subnets

Recently I had assigned a project and had to do the POC of deployment and configuration of Azure VWAN (Virtual WAN) with Secured hubs providing network connection between Virtual Machine situated in different region locations. Azure Virtual WAN is a managed networking service which brings together …

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Host static website on Azure Storage Account

Microsoft Azure Storage Account blob can be used as serverless web server to host static website pages, Static website content includes files pages from HTML, CSS, JavaScript and image files. Website files and data is stored on Storage Account special container named $web. This enables and gives …

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Resolved PowerShell Visual studio code stuck with 'Starting up PowerShell' in status bar

On one of the my colleagues new laptop we were setting up Visual Studio Code environment. After installing Microsoft PowerShell extension on VSCode when executing PowerShell ps1 script, it was getting stuck/freeze/hang with message "Starting up PowerShell" at the bottom-right side, and it was showin…

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How to create a Storage Account in Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure Storage Account is a Microsoft-controlled resource/service offering cloud storage that is highly accessible, available, reliable, secure, durable, robust, scalable, and redundant. Microsoft  Azure Storage Account consist of Azure Blobs (objects), Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2, Azure F…

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PowerShell fix repair The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed

This is the issue I have always seen with Windows Server Administrator. They face below issue a lot in their day to day activities while logging with their domain account. When they login with local account it was successful. The cause of this issue is simple, whenever computer joins into domain the…

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Powershell Create new file if not exist, if exist Rename file

This small PowerShell script helps to create a new file inside the folder if file does not exist, if file exists rename it with the date and times. This logic I always use in my scripts when I want to implement logs system for my script. When the file is renamed (While creating new file) it adds dat…

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PowerShell Encode or Decode an WebURL

While working few web scrapping project, I was able to get the table data, but few of the data had few special characters in the table, which was in http encoded format. Related article is a Powershell web scrapping extract table from html. The encoded http data was not readable. This data can be …

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Resolved - Install RSAT Tools on Windows Installer encountered an error 0x8024001d

While working on few Active Directory automation tasks I wanted RSAT tools to be installed on one of the VDI to test and write few scripts. From I downloaded installation files.

Microsoft Powershell windowsth rsat tools windos 2h2 remote server administration tools for windows 10 download powershell module server administration.png

While installation I was keep receiving this error…

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