
Virtual Geek

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Blog posts : "private endpoint"

Terraform module Azure function app with private endpoint and storage account

terraform microsoft azure function app service plan storage account private endpoint virtual network vnet resource group virtual private link private dns zone configuration deployment.png

In this article I posting terraform configuration script to deploy and configure complete function app with private endpoint and related resources in Microsoft Azure. This is complete configuration script for function app with private endpoint. With this configuration code it creates all below l…

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Terraform Azure function app with private endpoint and storage account

In this article I am creating Azure Function App linked to Private Endpoint and Storage Account using Terraform. This terraform configuration file will deploy all these resources within couple of minute.

In this automation Resource Group, User Assigned Identity, Virtual Network, Subnet, Private D…

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Creating a Private Endpoint for Azure Storage Account with Terraform example 3

This is third part of the script and little bit improvement and 2 separate logics I have added to the script. It is modification of earlier written part Creating a Private Endpoint for Azure Storage Account with Terraform example 2. In the script I wanted to create multiple endpoint for sub resourc…

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Creating a Private Endpoint for Azure Storage Account with Terraform example 2

This part is a revised earlier article of Terraform Azure Create Private Endpoint to existing Storage Account with Custom Private DNS zone record link. when I raised PR (Pull Request) for this configuration, Reviewer asked me to make some changes such way that while creating Private Endpoint, name …

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Creating a Private Endpoint for Azure Storage Account with required sub services using Terraform

This is a second part of Terraform Azure Create Private Endpoint to existing Storage Account with Custom Private DNS zone record link. This article is little bit advance, and here I am creating multiple Private Endpoint based on the provided details in Storage account kind. For example if kind is

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Terraform Azure Create Private Endpoint to existing Storage Account with Custom Private DNS zone record link

I had a task to create Private Endpoint in Microsoft Azure and was requirement to automate this job using HashiCorp Terraform automation tf configuration files. This Private endpoint will be linked to existing Storage Account and Virtual Network. Other required sub resources Virtual Network Links

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