In this article I will be configuring and connecting Ansible server and Windows host for Microsoft Windows system configuration management. First prepare Ansible host by installing collection with ansible-galaxy command. Next install pywinrm and python3-winrm Python packages with …
My earlier article Quickstart How to authenticate Ansible with Microsoft Azure was for basic and foundation for authentication to azure using Ansible. But I have scenarios with multiple subscriptions to automate multiple azure clouds using Ansible, in that case I will make use of multiple credentia…
This is second part of How to install and configure Ansible on Ubuntu, where I will be installing and configuring Microsoft Azure modules to use it with ansible for Microsoft Azure cloud infrastructure automation. I have python-pip3 is already installed, The next instructions is to install ansible[…
This is a step by step installation and configuration procedure of ansible on Ubuntu. Ansible is an open source IT automation mechanism that programs provisioning, configuration management, application deployment, orchestration, and many other IT processes. I have my Ubuntu server already setup and…
I was working on upgrading my Ansible AWX server in my lab, while upgrading/installing fresh Ansible AWX Tower server I found the step by step instructions I tried long back Install Ansible AWX Tower on Ubuntu Linux are absolutes now and no longer working as Ansible AWX team made few changes to it.…