
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts : "vm"

Terraform create Azure Virtual Machines from map of objects

I had a task to create multiple Ubuntu Virtual Machines on Microsoft Azure using Terraform. Below is the code for the same. Requirement was VM information should be put into variable with type of map object (Multiple VMs will be created using it). Another requirement was there is already core infras…

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Terraform module clone VMware vSphere Linux and Windows virtual machine

After writing initial Terraform code to clone VMware Virtual Machine template Using terraform to clone a virtual machine on VMware vSphere infrastructure, There was a requirement to clone Linux and Windows Virtual Machines using the single TF file and it must create multiple VMs from map hash table …

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Terraform VMware vSphere Virtual Machine cloning Operating system not found

After cloning VMWare Virtual Machine using Terraform code, I waited for a long time but terraform apply command was not getting completed and was in the creation state of indefinitely. The VM was cloned on the vCenter server and it was powered on. But when I checked on the VM VMware web remote conso…

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Using terraform to clone a virtual machine on VMware vSphere infrastructure

This is a example script to clone and deploy multiple Linux vCenter Virtual Machines on VMware vSphere vCenter server infrastructure using hashicorp terraform scripts. In my VMware infrastructure I already have configured virtual datacenter, cluster, network and datastore. There is Linux VM template…

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ESXi Installation Hardware_Virtualization Warning Hardware virtualization is not a feature of CPU

While installing ESXi operating system on the server, I was receiving below warnings errors regarding CPU hardware Virtualization. 

Check out: VMware ESXi 8.0 step by step Installation guide with Screenshots

Error(s)/Warning(s) Found During System Scan

The system encountered the followi…

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Microsoft Azure Virtual WAN Part 7 - Configure security configuration | Route traffic to your secured hub | Test connectivity

Microsoft vWAN Azure firewall virtual wan virtual hub virtual network connections vnet subnet virtual machine vm vnet peering hub to hub connectivity powershell template creation routing connectivity check vm virtual machines.png

This is final and last article of vWAN configuration series. In this article I will be configuring Hub Security configuration - Routing on the the Virtual Hub and testing connectivity between Azure Virtual Machines between the different vNETs and across the region. 

Microsoft Azure Virtual…

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Microsoft Azure Virtual WAN Part 5 - Create Azure Virtual Machine (VM)

Microsoft vWAN Azure firewall virtual wan virtual hub virtual network connections vnet subnet virtual machine vm vnet peering hub to hub connectivity powershell virtual machine template creation.png

With these series I slowly coming to the complete configuration of vWAN architecture and here in this article I am creating and configuring Azure Virtual Machines (VM) as one of the configuration. There are 3 Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines I will creating using existing Virtual Network (vNET) …

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Create a Virtual machine on Microsoft Azure

Although I have written PART 9: CREATING AND MANAGING VIRTUAL MACHINE (VM) USING MICROSOFT AZURE RESOURCE MANAGER PORTAL but it is the old article now, afterwords there are many updates came while creating an Azure Virtual Machine. New Azure VM updates are still easier to understand and configure, T…

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VMware WorkStation error This Virtual Machine appears to be in use

Recently my Windows OS crashed after some electricity issues where VMware WorkStation was installed. After powering on my lab servers again I was not able to Power On virtual machines on the VMware WorkStation and it was giving below error.

This virtual machine appears to be in use.
If this vir…

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PowerCLI Add a SCSI Controller to a Virtual Machine

My requirement was to write and automate adding a new virtual SCSI controller to virtual machines using PowerCLI. For this task there is cmdlet is already available New-ScsiController. But the problem with command is, standalone virtual SCSI controller cannot be added. It has to add new or existing…

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