
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts : "vmfs"

Adding and sharing RDM disk to multiple VMs in VMware step by step

I had a requirement to configure Two node Microsoft failover clustering on VMware VMs in my office, The plan was to configure clustered file server. Virtual machines has to be separated from each other and should be located on different esxi servers, My first task was to provide my colleague wintel …

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Mount NFS share to multiple ESXi hosts

"A datastore with the same name and backing configuration already exists in the current datacenter. Change the datastore name and backing configuration to continue."

While adding NFS datastore on esxi server I saw above error. This NFS drive was already added on the Esxi001 successfully, but when…

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Microsoft Windows 2016 Install and configure NFS server for ESXi and Linux

NFS (Network file system) is a distributed file sharing solution for diversified cross platform environments. It was originally designed to run on Sun solaris, This also supports and works well on windows and non-windows computers. NFS uses RPC and usually use Port (TCP and UDP) 111 and 2049. There …

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