
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts August 2021

Hashicorp Terraform dynamic block for_each loop with example

I use Terraform IAC (Infrastructure as a code) a lot to design Azure resources, While deploying Azure Resource NSG (Network Security Group), I was defining multiple roles inside NSG, Roles were mentioned inside the code script file. I wanted roles values to be moved to variables inside v…

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PowerShell Encode or Decode an WebURL

While working few web scrapping project, I was able to get the table data, but few of the data had few special characters in the table, which was in http encoded format. Related article is a Powershell web scrapping extract table from html. The encoded http data was not readable. This data can be …

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PowerShell convert string to base64 value

Base-64 encoding is a way of taking binary data and turning it into text so that it's more easily transmitted in things like e-mail and HTML form data. I had few requirement to convert / encode text string to Base64 string and vice versa, From encoded Base64 string to convert/decode to normal string…

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Create an interactive HTML report with PowerShell data

Basically I wrote this project as an fun/poc, but it went very well. I wanted to show the HTML + PowerShell capabilities to my (Asset collection team) colleagues as there are endless possibilities what you can build using HTML + Powershell. After launching the html file in the chromium browser the w…

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Resolved - Install RSAT Tools on Windows Installer encountered an error 0x8024001d

While working on few Active Directory automation tasks I wanted RSAT tools to be installed on one of the VDI to test and write few scripts. From I downloaded installation files.

Microsoft Powershell windowsth rsat tools windos 2h2 remote server administration tools for windows 10 download powershell module server administration.png

While installation I was keep receiving this error…

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Create a custom TCPIP stack on ESXi server - VMware PowerCLI GUI

While working with my VMware team we had to audit and create or delete TCP/IP network stack, Here on the ESXi server under Networking >> TCP/IP Configuration you cannot create new custom stack using vSphere client. I was able to automate almost all infrastructure using PowerCLI scripts, but few…

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Install Ansible AWX on Microsoft Windows OS

I was working on upgrading my Ansible AWX server in my lab, while upgrading/installing fresh Ansible AWX Tower server I found the step by step instructions I tried long back Install Ansible AWX Tower on Ubuntu Linux are absolutes now and no longer working as Ansible AWX team made few changes to it.…

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Terraform Using one module variable in another module

While working on Azure Terraform IAC infrastructure as a code script Writing and Using Terraform modules, I wanted to pass or use variable from a module to another module, so I will have to define module data once and I can keep reusing it in another modules. Here is the screenshot of my folder hier…

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