
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment


DNS server is a important role in the vSphere Lab, No lab is complete without DNS server. it is necessary in any environment for correct name resolution, I faced error in one of my earlier blog in absence of DNS server RESOLVED : FAIL TO DEPLOY OVF TEMPLATE - TASK CANCELED BY USER.  In this article I am going to create A resource record and PTR resource record in DNS server, As this is my first DNS server (also an Active Directory), I am going to configure reverse lookup zone for IP to Hostname resolution also.

Open run and type dnsmgmt.msc as I run dsa.msc in Part 3 creating new user in AD. DNS Manager management console will open, expand hostname and right click Reverse lookup Zones, select New zone, it will start wizard.

Adding installing New reverse lookup zone in DNS

I kept everything default on the next screen, settings are about, it will be primary zone and dns data will stored in active directory database, and active directory dns zone replication scope, As I will have only single domain controller option is default, dsn data be will be replicated within domain controllers. DNS AD integrated primary zone, and zone replication

Next screens are important one and they are interactive. I am using complete IP version 4 in my lab and currently using 192.168.33 Network ID. if i have another subnet i can add it later whenever required. dns ipv4 reverse lookup zone and network ID

Next are allow only secure dynamic updates, for security reason keep this option default, it is also recommended for Active Directory. and next is Summary, once clicked finish, new reverse lookup zone will be created for 192.168.33. IP range.

Now creating new host A record entry is very simple and require few clicks. expand forward lookup zone, and right click domain name ( in my case), select New Host (A or AAAA) resource record, I am adding esxi server entry with Hostname and IP address also creating associated pointer (PTR) record. DNS new A resource record and PTR record

Once the required entry done I am able to see the records in both the Forward and Reverse lookup zones.

To test DNS is working correctly I use other desktop, on the network adapter dns setting configure this DNS server IP. and ping and I get positive reply.


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