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Testing domain AD credential with PowerShell one liner

This is a one liner command script to connect to Active Directory and verify user name and password credentials provided. I am using  System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry .net object here to connect to LDAP server (In my case it is Active Directory). When you are connected successful with correct information you get DistinguishedName and Path information of Active directory in return.

PowerShell test ad active directory credentials username and password without login ldap domain controller one liner.png

New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry('LDAP://DC=vcloud-lab,DC=com', 'domain\username', 'password')

If provided Ad credentials are not valid you will see error 'The username or password is incorrect.'

PowerShell test ad active directory credentials username and password without login ldap domain controller one liner bad username and password.png

Below are the object properties information you can provide in the New-Object arguments.

string path
string path, string username, string password)
string path, string username, string password, System.DirectoryServices.AuthenticationTypes authenticationType)
System.Object adsObject

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