
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts : "kubectl"

Kubernetes kubeadm join could not find a jws signature in the cluster-info ConfigMap for token ID

While configuring Kubernetes cluster using kubeadm tool and joining Worker nodes into the cluster I receiving below error.

kubeadm join token discovery token ca cert hash preflight kubernetes cluster api server jws signature cluster-info configmap control-plane k8s master node worker node.jpg

Another error: Kubernetes kubeadm join couldn't validate the identity of the API server connection refused

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Install and configure Kubernetes cluster worker nodes using kubeadm - Part 3

In this third part of configuration of Kubernetes cluster I have completed earlier part of a blog Install and configure Kubernetes cluster master nodes using kubeadm - Part 2. I have three Ubuntu server nodes installed in my lab for Worker nodes to add in Kubernetes cluster using kubeadm tool. Be…

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How to install kubernetes master control-plane on ubuntu Part 1

If you’re using containers, there’s a great possibility you’ve heard of Kubernetes, or K8s (in short). In straightforward language, Kubernetes is an open-source system for orchestrating, automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. Kubernetes is a tool intended to ge…

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