
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts June 2021

Powershell GUI VMware ESXi custom patch bundle builder

Every time VMware releases ESXi patches, and I need to patch them on different projects with few modifications to patch bundle, by trimming down few driver VIBs packages or add third party driver vibs zip files packages. I do everything with PowerCLI commands. But as I wanted my colleage to perform …

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Azure Terraform fixed Availibility Zones on Virtual Machine Scale Set

While working previously on Create an Azure virtual machine scale set and load balancer using Terraform, I was trying to deploy Virtual Machine scale sets in availibility zones and i was receiving below error. To deploy VMSS in availaibility zones (1 and 2), I was using argument zone = ["1", "2"]

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Create an Azure virtual machine scale set and load balancer using Terraform

While working on one of the client requirement I got below assignement which wanted to be demonstrated either with Terraform or ARM. Although I am very good at writing script for both languages, I chose Terraform, as there was another requirement for other projects where I am already working on Te…

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Why is my Azure recovery services vault not getting deleted?

While working on Azure Portal Get Azure virtual machine backup reports using Powershell I was trying to decommision few Azure Recovery Service Vault (Backup) resource by deleteing it, I went to Azure portal selected Recovery Service Vault from Resource Group and pressed delete button, but I was rec…

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Create an Azure Automation account on using Portal PowerShell and AzureCLI

Azure Automation Account is Azure resource allows you to automate tasks against services and resources in Azure, on-premises and with other cloud providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS). You can write and use runbooks to automate your tasks, or a Hybrid Runbook Worker if you have business or ope…

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Azure Powershell : Operation returned an invalid status code 'BadRequest'

While working on few Azure Powershell scripts I was keep receiving an error 'BadRequest' whenever I was trying to create a new resource in Azure. I kept on trying to resolve an error but didn't find any proper solution to it. Initially the message was not much friendly so to dig down further I went …

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Export certificates from Azure Key Vault using PowerShell

While working with Azure Key Vault Certificate Create Azure Key Vault Certificates on Azure Portal and Powershell, Next requirement was to download those certificates from Key Vault. On the Azure Portal choose the SSL Certificate you want to export. Click buttons Download in CER format or Download…

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Create Azure Key Vault Certificates on Azure Portal and Powershell

I had one requirement to create a SSL certificates on Azure Key Vault, I have Key Vault already deployed with earlier written articles Create key vault and secrets with access policies in Microsoft Azure. I just wanted to create new SSL certificate in it so using managed Identity In the the future…

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Solved Powershell DSC Error A configuration is pending If you are in Pull Mode please runn Update-DscConfiguration

While working on few Powershell DSC (Desired State Configuration) script and pushing it on remote computer using Start-DscConfiguration command, but I was constantly receiving below error.

A configuration is pending. If you are in Pull mode, please run Update-DscConfiguration to pull a new co…

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